
+ 'this weekend is a big weekend for those of you who like alcohol', craig ferguson informs, 'you know, the booze, the happy juice, the randy quaadahol. it was on this weekend in 1933 prohibition was repealed. i dont know why they repealed it, it was such a great idea. making something illegal always stops its use. what force is stronger than a citizens desire to follow the law? well, crack i suppose. and meth. and smurf dust. yes, there is a street drug called smurf dust. see young people, i'm just like you! prohibition was made possible by the passage of the 18th amendment, and then after that came the 19th amendment which gave women the right to vote. theres a double wammy right there, no booze and then you have to listen to womens opinions about stuff. am i right, chauvinists? am i right?'
- kristen bell its an 'all kristen all the time' episode as kristen bell joins craig for the intro, the tweets and emails, and as a guest!
= michael franti talks and sings

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