'wow!' craig ferguson says as the stage hand sets up a couple vases on stage, 'yes, you may well be impressed! 'craig, it looks like you are standing in a badly lit vase store!' so, look, heres the thing. we are trying to class up the joint. this is our sixth anniversary. as a joke, cbs said to me 'do you want anything for your sixth anniversary?', and i said 'yeah, get me two ming vases'. and i'm like, are you serious? and they are actually just for tonight, they are on loan from the getty museum, they are two genuine ming vases from the 1500's, they are considered priceless. they originally belonged to the emperor wan lee, the emperor of china. they are known for the beauty of their decoration. and so are the vases... anyway, this is a very big deal for us, and i'm thinking 'ming vases? priceless ming vases in this studio?!? hope everythings going to be ok...'

later, during the tweets and email time, secretariat comes out and almost hits them. immediately craig calls for his intern bridger to come out and put the vases away to keep them safe. and wouldnt you know it, right at that moment, secretariat comes out again! he runs right into bridger and the vases fall to the ground and are destroyed! who could have seen that coming?
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