

+ mindy kaling helps out with the tweets
+ summer livin' with sean connery
= mgmt

craig on kevin pollak's chat show


+ summer livin' with sean connery
- ted danson (oddly edited interview...)
- kevin pollak

* dan riskin host of the new show on animal planet called 'monsters inside me'- he is very, very funny!
geoff peterson 2.0

craig also announced that geoff peterson would be making an appearance with imahara at the san diego comic con!

+ grant imahara stops by to introduce the new upgrade to geoff peterson!
who is kelly moore?

welcome to the scottish king website- the unofficial place for all things craig ferguson! (a member of the 'poke it with a stick' blog family). be sure to check out the over 500 episode summaries and other assorted craig related topics!

+ access extratainment tonight with barney slash and john tesh cover the late night wars.
+ summer livin' with sean connery
+ kelly moore stops by again to help read the tweets and emails!

- nicolas cage he announces that he is going to do a second ghost rider movie
a little fergy

Holy crackers! Mrs F is pregnant. How did that happen? ...oh yeah I know how. Another Ferguson arrives in 2011. The world trembles.
well, congratulations craig, and may it be a healthy happy baby!
dont forget to follow craig on twitter at craigyferg

+ summer livin' with sean connery

+ summer livin' with sean connery
> louie anderson he is still surprisingly funny!
500 episodes!

here's to 500 more!

craig the nerdist

its a very funny show where craig and chris (and a bunch of others) chat about everything from craig's start on 'the late late show', to their love of dr. who! give it a listen here.

+ 'do you know who's birthday it is today? its the donald's birthday!' craig ferguson celebrates, 'and i dont mean trump, the pompous bastard. i mean the other donald- donald duck! donald duck turns 76 today. so to mark the occasion, legally through an act of congress, today is donald duck day! i think every disney character should have his own day, except goofy. i hate goofy. you know what you did... years ago though, when donald duck started, a cartoon about a talking duck must have seemed like an odd concept. these days youve got your talking sponges who live in pineapples under the sea. which tells us that the drugs are getting better! anyway, it was on this day in 1934 the first donald duck appeared. it was called 'the wise little hen'. i saw a similar movie, it was called 'the sage cock'. it was about a rooster who was very wise. he knew what to do... i think donald duck was in the navy because he wears the sailor shirt and the sailor hat and nothing else. see, when he goes out like that its adorable, but if i go out like that, i get fucking arrested!'
craig hosts the boston pops


+ summer livin' with sean connery
+ angela kinsey comes in early to help with the emails and twitters.
- angela kinsey7-01-10

= alicia witt singing

+ 'the big news today all across the country', craig ferguson informs, 'the teen age girls are weeping, the chat rooms are all cockahoop, they are all talking about the undead. you know, the sexy vampire. of course, they are talking about larry king. last night larry king because last night larry announced that he is calling it quits. its awful, this. larry king is a walking treasure, well a shuffling treasure, but a treasure none the less. in my eyes larry king really is a king. but then again, i also think wolf blitzer is a wolf! i also think dr. phil is a doctor. not really. now, larry may be leaving cnn which is bad news, but lets keep this in perspective: thats not the worst of it, america isnt just loosing a broadcaster, but i am loosing one of the few people i do an impression of! its not a good impression, i admit, but i do it. i make fun of larry, but lets be clear of this: its out of respect. i love larry king. his record speaks for itself, hes won every broadcasting award known to man, he's written over a dozen books, he's read almost half of them...'
+ summer livin' with sean connery

+ 'its a great day for america, and a great day for the leader of the free world', craig ferguson announces, 'of course, i'm talking about oprah winfrey. she was named today the number one most powerful celebrity in the world by forbes magazine. now, a magazine is a kind of papery blog thing. its a kind of papery thing that people used to read. its like a very slow website. its a sort of kind of foldy aol. anyway, id like to thank forbes for coming up with a list like this, cause if it wasnt these lists id have to talk about my cleavage or something. id have to talk about real news issues, and i cant. im just too pritty for that. what i'm saying is that i dont give a rats ass about the most powerful celebrity in the world. oprah is number one. you know who is number four on the list? lady gaga. apparently lady gaga is the fourth most powerful celebrity in the world. how is that even possible? people say she's the new madonna. do we really need a new madonna, whats wrong with the old one? you know that tiger woods is number five on this list. he was between lady gaga and britney spears... he wasnt on the list, it was in a hotel room in new jersey. i'll be honest with you, i dont even understand forbes list. can these celebrities bend steel? can they melt things with their heat vision? cause that is my definition of power. a celebrity is only powerful if you allow them to be powerful. like if mick jager came in here right now, he's a powerful celebrity right? if he came in here right now and said 'craig, stand over there'. i'd be like 'no'. and he would be like 'um, my power is waining!' even if oprah, the most powerful celebrity in the world, if she said 'buy this book', and you buy it, she is powerful. if she says 'buy this book' and you said 'no' then shes powerless. dont tell her i said that... i dont understand this list in this magazine, forbes magazine is supposed to be about investing. their 'most powerful' list is a misuse of the word 'power'. and if they cant understand the word power, then possibly they dont understand the word 'honest', which makes them a perfect magazine for people who invest and work on wall street!'

+ summer livin' with sean connery
- howie mandel he gets so excited he spilled his drink!

+ kelly moore is back to help criag read the tweets and emails
- tim meadows as a guest instead of appearing in a bit for the show!

* james dyson the man with 'the proper amount of suction!'
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