michael caine in a spaceship

big craig theory

one of the funniest back and forths with the guys was this:
leonard asks 'so craig, what do you do for a living?'
craig replies 'i host the late late show with craig ferguson.'
'i see. and what time is that on?'
'12:37 am'
sheldon then asks 'given that am stands for anti meridian, wouldnt it more logically be called 'the early early show with craig ferguson'?'
'i dont know' craig answers
'the answer is yes. minus eight points'
'i didnt know there was going be a test!' craig exclaims
leonard chimes in 'then you're really not going to like the physical...'

+ 'tonight is big bang theory night!' criag ferguson exclaims, 'we've got everybody, weve got jim parsons is here, johnny galicki is here, simon helber is here, kunal nayyar is here. kaley couco wont be joining us today, i'm sorry. she broke her leg. anyway, if youve spent the past few years in a cave and dont know the big bang theory, let me explain it to you. not the show, the theory. the theory is very simple really, about 14 million years ago there was a bang. and it was really big. basically the idea behind it is that we are living in an explosion. we are in a constantly expanding universe, its like we are living in a giant explosion. its as if the entire universe were contained in larry king's pants. the big bang theory of the universe is very controversial when it came out. albert einstein didnt believe it at first. he said the universe has been the same size forever. he eventually saw the error of his ways and called it 'the biggest blunder of his life'. i'm like 'really?' thats the biggest blunder? you disagreed with a couple scientists for a while? you never drunk dialed an ex girlfriend? 'hey, this is albert, how you doing? this is a booty call, can i come over and split your atom?' anyway, the guys from the big bang theory are here today!'
+ jim parsons stops by to help answer the tweets and emails
+ michael caine in space. the idea is expanded on and michael caine is on a space ship with simon helberg and kunal nayyar from 'big bang theory'.



* tim gunn

+ 'its a great day for mexico because today is mexican independence day! or as its known in arizona, thursday. i know what you are thinking, 'isnt mexican Independence day on cinco de mayo?' wrong! or as they say in mexico: wrongo! have i pissed off just about everyone today? i have havent i? anyway, cinco de mayo celebrates a mexican victory in a mexican battle that happened fifty years after the mexican independence. today is mexicos bicentennial. 200 years old. you still look good mexico, your maracas are still perky! i'm 48 and mine are starting to sag! anyway, look, congratulations mexico, two centuries free of spanish domination. now some people think spanish rule couldnt have been that bad because spanish people talk with lisps. its true, in mexican spanish you pronounce the 's', but in catilian spanish they pronounce the 's' with a lisp. 'thurender or fath the conthiquenthes!' people in l.a. were flying mexican flags all over today. the mexican flag is almost identical to the italian flag, both go red, white, green. the way you can tell a difference is the mexican flag has a coat of arms on it, and the italian flag just has hands going 'whas a come and a go!'.'
+ william shatner (things got really weird, as you can tell from the photo...)


- kristen bell wearing a moustache! and even sticks around to help out with the emails
cooking with sean connery

'if you are going to make a delicious zucchini bread, the first thing you are going to need is a ripe zucchini' sean connery says. his lovely assistant hands him the zucchini. 'i asked for a zucchini, not the vibrator'.
'that is the zucchini' she says.
'oh. we probably shouldnt use this one...'

+ cooking with sean connery
+ dear aquaman, featuring tim gunn

+ donald glover stops by to help with tweets and emails.


* james lipton showing off his potty mouth!




+ chris hardwick stops by to help with twitter and email!

-> rachael ray

+ 'there is some stuff going on thats not so good for new york city. the authorities of new york say there is an infestation of disgusting and impossible to kill pests. thats right, the jersey shore kids are in town! no, its things that are even more frightening than snookie after three vodka martinis. i'm talking about bed bugs, they are all over new york and its a big problem! do you know that bed bugs can live for a year without feeding- they are kind of like supermodels. last month the cbs building in new york was infested with bed bugs. the exterminators figured out where they were, they were in andy rooney's eyebrows. the majority of modern bed bugs are found in mattresses, which makes me wonder why dont they make mattresses that are resistant to bed bugs? then again, i'm still like why dont they make a mattress out of donuts? that would be awesome, if you are hungry in the middle of the night, you could just roll over! i'd go through a mattress a week. bed bugs arent new, they have actually plagued mankind for centuries, in olden times bed bugs were known as 'wall lice', 'red coats', and 'crimson ramblers'. by the way, crimson ramblers is the name of a marxist folk group i once belonged to...'
twitter attack!


= chief
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