




= cake
geoff's new girlfriend

'i'm an actor' alex replies.
'just getting started? are you in any of the acting classes? when you are in the acting classes are there cute boys that you get to make out with and stuff?' craig questions.
'yup' alex responds.
'i went to them too. look, you know, its good that you are getting out and making friends. but you've got to be careful, there are a lot of ruthless rotten types in this town and if you are not careful you could wind up hosting a crappy late night talk show, and i worry about you. do you have an agent?' asks craig.
'no, i dont'
'well, thats good! wait a minute... did you just sit in lesbian row so you could get on the show?' craig wonders.
'sorta kinda'
'i see, so you are using this show to forward your career. you know, why not? good luck to you, i say.' as the show progressed, alex stood up by geoff peterson for the tweets and emails segment, and alex's mom even came and sat with craig during the closing segment of the show. the next night we find out that she and geoff must have hit it off because craig introduces her as geoff's new girlfriend! she seems to like 'em skinny, gay, and dead! good luck to the two of them!
*UPDATE* unfortunately for geoff, they broke up soon after alex's appearance. but, alex seemed to like being on craig's show so much that she applied for an internship at CBS! alex came to the show again and craig announced that fact on air! he also tried to hook alex up with bridger, the former intern who now works on the show as a production assistant. i'll keep you updated any any alex/bridger news!


+ betty white comes on to announce she is running for president with the slogan 'white power'. um, she might want to rethink that one...

'i wish i did, for once' chris replies.
'well, heres the reason why: tonights first guest jason schwartzman was on the way in from new york city but apparently his plane was delayed. so for the purposes of this evening, and perhaps later on when we go for dinner, you will have to be jason schwartzman tonight.'
'oh, really?!'
'yes, this is your big acting opportunity, you get to show the world what a great actor you are.' craig states.
'oh', chris says trying to get into character, 'i am fantastic on 'bored to death'! i sure loved being in 'the royal tenenbaums', bill murray and i had fun traipsing around on 'rushmore'!'
'the thing is though, he might make it, so in which case if he does get here, you can hang out by the robot.'
'so uh, i'm your door prize? is that what i'm doing today?' chris questions
'is that the kind of acting you are going to do? because jason schwartzman is much better than that...' craig states.
'no no no, that was something he said on a thing once'
'really?' craig asks.
'no, i made that up.' chris admits.
'some times i wonder why we're friends, and then you kiss me and i remember...' turns out, jason does make it in time. so instead chris helps out with tweets and emails instead.

win the big cash prize!


+ michael caine in space


+ we also learned that michelle obama really loves to watch the show. or maybe not.


+ 'its a big day for me', craig ferguson shares, 'as you can probably tell. its national coffee day, i've had a lot of- a lot of coffee today. it is, its national coffee day so hazaah for watery stimulants. i freely admit that i am addicted to coffee. if i dont have coffee i am a cranky miserable bastard. after i've had a cup of coffee i am a speedy cranky miserable bastard. i used to get my coffee every day at the same place, the starbucks up on melrose. i stopped because they wouldnt let people use the bathroom. i said 'wha?!?' i wanted to use the bathroom one day, i'm a human. they said 'no, we dont let you, its locked'. coffee is a diuretic! what the hell is this?!? they said 'well, we cant open the bathroom because prostitutes were conducting their business inside the bathroom'. i'm like 'what? do you want them conducting their business outside the bathroom?!?' well why not, we are already getting screwed by the 10 dollar cup of coffee, so why not? i stopped going in protest to them, and i got my daily coffee somewhere else. i taught them a lesson by going to the starbucks next door. anyway, starbucks logo of course is a mermaid with no clothes on- its very racy! you can see the nipples and the genitals and everything! i mean, you have to draw them on... id rather see the mermaid on the cup than those inspirational quotes. remember they used to put the inspirational quote on the cup? oh piss off! 'an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind' yeah, whatever ghandi! put some pants on! the worst was when they had quotes from regular customers. if i wanted to read inane drivel i would follow a kardashian on twitter!'

- rashida jones
* jonathan ames

- mary lynn rajskub
* jackie collins
= trombone shorty

- jonah hill
= chris young
craig on nerdist!
chris hardwick has been on 'the late late show with craig ferguson' many times. chris is a nerd and lover of all things nerdy (check out his website for proof!), every time he comes on to criag's show they always end up talking about dr. who and the like. well, it seems that the bbc has taken notice of chris' obsession because he recently got a show on the bbc america channel called 'the nerdist'. the show is basically a talk show where chris and his two friends chat about anything that comes to their minds. it is exactly like the nerdist podcasts (which, by the way, if you havent been listening to those, you better start catching up- they are hilarious!) where the three of them just basically nerd out about anything and everything. chris must have wanted to repay the favor because his first guest on the show was our very own craig ferguson! the two of them talk about everything including the nerdist graphic, craig's recent visit to france, girlfriend advice, and craig's 'muppet' show! and even, with all that dr. who talk, guess who shows up? matt smith! craig, chris, and matt have a hilarious interview together! its obvious that those involved are having a blast i sure hope they make some more of these!

- gerard butler
- kat dennings

- chris hardwick stops in to help out with the tweets and emails.
- billy gardell

- james spader
- juno temple

beatles tweet

after the song craig comments 'i look forward to your tweets and emails that say 'no one in the beatles smoked a pipe!' thats right because it wasnt the beatles was it?!?'



+ today geoff became a man...
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