
+ craig ferguson cracks an 'octomom' joke and asks if they still have the 'octomom' graphic. 'there was a time on late night shows where you had to do an octomom joke. do we still have the graphic for that? no, we dont, we recycled it, we threw it away. yeah, why keep it lying around, its not like we'd ever use it again' craig says sarcastically, 'nope, we don't have it. at least you know when i say we dont rehearse i'm not kidding. we don't. your probably like 'thats a joke, it's part of the shtick'. its not part of the shtick, we genuinely dont give a rats ass. we are about you, but this? how could you care about this?'
+ access extratainment tonight
- mary-luise parker
- guillermo del toro
= tori amos

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