

+ craig's spanish word of the day: boda- wedding!
- parker posey2-19-10

+ craig's spanish word of the day: aspiradora- vacuum cleaner!
robot skeleton sidekick?

hmmm, will anything come of this? we will have to wait and see!

+ craig's spanish word of the day: nieve- snow!
+ morgan freeman's guide to the winter olympics

+ craig's spanish word of the day: pulpo- octopus!
- helena bonham carter man, she is one crazy woman- i like her!

+ craig's spanish word of the day: sombra- shadow!+ bob saget stops by the help craig answer the emails and tweets
= your lips, your lips (sorry, i couldnt find a link to this band. dont worry though, cause they really suck and you wont want to link to them...)

+ craig's spanish word of the day: lentejuelas- sequins!

+ criag's spanish word of the day: hombre lobo- warewolf!

+ criag's spanish word of the day: sobreviviente- survivor!
tweet mail

a while back craig had a bunch of email jingles (which you can learn more about here) that played right before he would read them. he seemed to grow tired of them and retired the jingles for a while, but now hes back at it, this time he has a twitter jingle! he always refers to his twitter followers as his robot skeleton army who live with him in a hollowed out volcano, so the jingle itself is very robotic sounding and features an animated robot army descending from a volcano! its outrageously catchy!

+ craig's spanish word of the day: coro- chorus!
- gabourey sibide
= ok go
> jeff stilson

+ craig's spanish word of the day: manta- blanket!
- carrie fisher
- donald glover
craig is now on twitter!

craig announced it on the show recently, and said 'guess what i did today? i joined the tweety! i know i've always said 'i will never join twitter, i have no interest in joining twitter'. but you must remember that i often lie. tweet me and you can become my follower! and when i have enough followers, i will rule them all in my hollowed out volcano where we will train beside my robot skeleton army!'
be sure to follow him- his posts are really hilarious! check it out here!

+ craig's spanish word of the day: brisa- breeze!
- pierce brosnan
= patty griffin

+ craig's spanish word of the day: resaca- hangover!
+ tim meadows reports from miami about the super bowl
- claire danes
- jill scott

+ inside the world of acting with sir cornwell barnes. he interviews dwayne 'the rock' johnson about the tooth fairy.
+ craig's spanish word of the day: tiburon- shark!
craig's other mug

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