
+ on the last day in scotland, mila kunis, michael clarke duncan, and ariel tweto all enjoy the view from the top of edinburgh castle.
+ craig ferguson and mila kunis walk through a park as craig shares a story from his youth.  'one night when i was on what the kids call 'lsd', i was walking in this very spot when i was attacked by killer ducks!  the ducks in this pond attacked me!  it had nothing to do with the drugs.  i was walking and i heard 'quack!' and i started to run and they came after me!  imagine the zombie apocalypse, except with ducks.'  back to craig and geoff fishing off the pier at arbroath harbour.
+ prince charles' castle.  while at the castle, craig sits down with david sedaris and has a good chat.  micheal clarke duncan, geoff peterson, and craig ferguson hang out in front of craig's high school.  craig and ariel tweto visit the grave of greyfriars kirkyard and share the story of greyfriars' bobby.
+ prince charles' castle.  back at the tron bar, craig talks with michael clarke duncan in front of the crowd.
+ geoff peterson, ariel tweto, and rashida jones go to the fettercairn brewery to see where whiskey comes from!  the imagineers perform again for the tron bar crowd.
+ craig and geoff talk about what fun they have had the past week in scotland while they play a little billiards.  'i've had a very nice time here in scotland.  its been very nice.  i've rather enjoyed it.  its very different, you know they say you can never go back, but you can.  have you ever heard that line in the poem 'the past is another country, they do things differently there'?'
'yeah', geoff says.
'well, you could say the same thing about sweden, couldnt you?  sweden is another country, they do things differently there too.'
'yeah they do'.
'but we are not going to sweden next time, are we?'
'no, that would be kind of cool!'
'no no, i like scotland, but i think we need to stay home in america for a while.  whats the first thing you are going to do when you get back to america?'  craig asks geoff.
'i'm going to plug myself in to the wall and stand behind a podium.'
'you know', craig responds, 'thats exactly what i'm going to do!'
and to close of their time in scotland, the imagineers play the show out with another rendition of the late late show theme song!

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