cbs promo



+ in 2005 he had his mom on as a guest, and craig shares a couple clips from that show. first, he shows a clip of him talking with his mother, and then a clip of rza, the wu tang clan member, showing his mom around l.a.
- chi mcbride
= seal
+ at the funeral for his mother he was asked to read something. he didnt know what to read, and the pastor gave him something written by victor hugo in his book toilers of the sea. its a beautiful tribute, and it says this:
I am standing upon the foreshore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength, and I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come down to meet each other. Then someone at my side says, 'There, she is gone.' Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side, and just as able to bear her load of living weights to its place of destination. Her diminished size is in me, not in her; and just at the moment when someone at my side says, 'There, she is gone,' on that distant shore there are other eyes watching for her coming and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, 'Here she comes'.
in loving memory
janet ferguson
8-3-1933 12-1-2008

+ almost every night craig reads emails that are sent in to him. tonight he read an email, and the girl who wrote it was actually in the audience! what are the chances?
- kristen chenoweth talked and sang

- tony curtis he looked almost unrecognizable, but then he did that squinty smile, and you knew it had to be him!

+ dave folley comes on and talks about living like a pilgrim.
+ sean connery reads from his autobiography: 'page five hundred and one: i was born in edinburough scottland. wait a minute- what the hell was on the first five hundred pages?!?'
= adele

+ betty white comes on as the president of flight attendants

+ dear aquaman

+ check in with dick chaney
- george hamilton wow, he is a dirty old man, and likes to wear cashmere.
in concert



+ dear aquaman skit
sitting at his desk now, craig shares a bit about his harsh words earlier: 'earlier i mentioned that corporate america doesnt value its costomers, and i'd like to take that back. i'd like to take it back, but i wont because its true!!! look out for my new show on my website...'
= bacon brothers band

+ prince charles' birthday party

'the new bond comes out today. now, of course sean connery is the best bond, but theres been arguing over who the second best bond is. we already know who the best is, arguing over the second best is like arguing who's the second best member of 'tom petty and the heartbreakers'! whats the point?!?'
- jim parsons from big bang theory.

+ dear aquaman
+ sketch of the new bond film with sean connery as bond again, with jim parsons playing the evil bad guy- very funny!
- andy richter (craig and andy were in 'larry the wonder dog' together. both of them thought it sucked! i saw it and i must say they are not wrong...)
+ at the beginning of the show one of the workers of the show, megan o'toole, cut her long hair from locks of love, the cancer charity.
sean connery reads from this autobiography

the mug


'i like country music, i love bluegrass music too. its like country music, but it has more soul and less teeth.'
+ dave foley comes on to promote a fake fishing book.
- kathy kinney (mimi from the drew carrey show)
warm up comedian

(the rest of my awesome visit to 'the late late show' is talked about here)

+ dear aquaman
- coolio. talk and sing
> tom dreesen and tim reid

+ jk rowling show
tim meadows

tim usually comes on as a reporter. he stands in front of a green screen and reports from where ever the story is that week. in his reports he usually talks about his own laziness in not wanting to report, or how the event he's covering really sucks. he and craig banter back and forth, which usually devolves into tim calling craig a racist. of craig's cast of regulars, tim meadows is most often the funniest.
henry winkler

henry will come on and talk about whatever he is suppossed to be a pro about that week. he has come on to promote (fake) books, give advice for winterizing you house, giving advice to presidential hopefulls, and anything else he wants to. usually playing on his positive image, he jokes with craig and usually gives terrible advice.
mouse pad

+ 'i tivoed the election, so don't tell me who won...' craig jokes, 'i have to say, the election result, how ever it is for the country, its terrible for late night talk show hosts. its tragic. obama doesnt make that many mistakes- how can i do my job?!? im getting a little panicky. a dignified african-american running the country- what the hell can i do with that? my only hope is biden. i think my way in is biden. i'm hoping he's a little crazy, you know in 'lion king' there's that hyena ed? i'm hoping biden is this!'
+ tim medows reports from grant park
* dr. drew

+ access extratainment tonight with barney slash and john tesh
- bill maher bill and craig both pretend to be disgusted with what each other just said

+ call from governor arnold schwarzenegger impersonator
ford commercial thinly veiled as a skit about a fake band called 'the highlanders', followed by a music video from the group. finally, this ridiculous ford promotion is done!
- kaitlin olson the girl from 'its always sunny in philadelphia'

+ harry potter skit

+ dear aquaman
= x
email ganja

celebrity minute


+ henry winkler as a pollster
- kathy griffin she brought her two emmys with her

- mo'nique
> bill santiago really lame
= lanka

many times during the night craig stops himself, saying 'if you just thought the same dirty joke as me...'
+ a ford commerical thinly veiled as a skit

-> rachel ray
# leanne marshall, winner of this season of project runway.
= laura marling

+ the rather late programme with prince charles. he got a new guard to replace paul.

+ a ford commerical thinly veiled as a skit
= no age

+ white trash style tips with tim gunn
a fun new game with footage from the debates: find the bald guys!
= natasha bedingfield talks and sings

+white trash style tips with tim gunn

'the election is getting nuts, with all the mudslinging. its the last month before the elections and things are starting to get a little crazy. something always gets revealed around this time, its called 'october surprise' in the political world. you want an october surprise? were broke!'
+ white trash style tips with tim gunn
betty white talks to craig about how she writes speeches for john mccain.

+ white trash style tips with tim gunn
tim meadows gives an election update
= randy newman talks with craig and sings.

+ white trash style tips with tim gunn
# patrick pedraja, a kid craig met at the emmys who has his own charity to help those who need bone marrow transplants
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