+ every night craig ferguson starts with a short two minute bit where he tries to get everyone to stay tuned for the show, usually he doesn't have much to say and often resorts to using puppets (which is usually very funny!). but today he's got something different: 'i know what you're thinking, 'he's got nothing to say', well you're wrong!' craig informs us, 'cause you know what i just heard? in washington dc president obama is retaking the oath of office. did you see it yesterday? there was a bit of a flub. there's an argument over if its obama's fault, or john g roberts jr's fault. oh, you'd know thats his name if you'd recently taken the citizen test! i had never heard of him before that, and lets be honest, neither had you. anyway, so he gets to take the oath of office again! i don't know if that's fair, i don't get to do this show again if it's crap, and lets be honest, it often is. maybe that's why they don't let me do it again, cause it'll just be crap again. so i will promise you this, loyal viewer. mrs. henderson in cincinnati, margaret, if i may call you that. could you imagine if you are someone called margaret henderson sitting in cincinnati going 'what the hell is this?!? how did he know about me?' oh, i know about you margaret- put on your house coat woman!'
+ talk with former president bush and vice president chaney
trace adkins talks and sings, and he's actually pretty funny too!